Finding vs. Getting

Thanks for coming from our Weekly WOW!


We’ve talked about events and how they’re the single most effective thing you can do for your business, right? Ok, I thought I mentioned it once or twice before…

When you go to any event, you should always go with a Spirit of Generosity.

Grab water for the presenters. Carry a tub of supplies. Tear down tables. Do something. Help them.


Which do you think will work better?

1) “If I go to this and get even just one referral, it will be worth it.”

2) “If I go to this and can help even just one person, it will be worth it.”


Turn events into referrals into referrals into success into results…into whatever you want from it.

On a podcast interview* I recently did, I went over all of this and more including the one most critical task to keep 7from screwing up an event and wasting your efforts. *Published Aug 24 under MLM097*


Find out what’s surprised me the most in my professional journey.







We’re collecting suggestions on where to bring GenGen in 2018. If you don’t see us in a city near you, let us know on Facebook where to go next!

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